"Best of" The Cleveland Stater, fall 2023 #2
Happy Thanksgiving Faculty and Staff of Cleveland State University!
In this edition of the “best of” The Cleveland Stater, we lead with an interview, Nov. 2, with Cleveland State University’s President Dr. Laura Bloomberg. We feature the Nov. 8 faculty senate meeting, which discussed student concerns the Student Government Association raised about harassment on campus among other issues. Our new podcast series, “Why I Love The Land” continued with its newest episode which delved into all of the scenic aspects of nature within the Cleveland area. And our reporters covered Cleveland’s Día de los Muertos festival and the thriving music scene here in the city.

In a wide-ranging interview with The Cleveland Stater, Dr. Bloomberg discussed the future of student housing at Cleveland State, criticism of the university's response to the Israel-Palestine conflict, CSU 2.0 and, among other topics, her Starbucks go-to.
Read the full story: The Stater interview - CSU'S President Bloomberg

Cleveland State University’s faculty senate met on Wednesday, Nov. 8, and covered several topics, including reports of campus harassment, criticism of the university’s recent statement on Israel-Palestine and the university’s budget deficit. Kayland Morris, president of CSU’s student government (SGA), told the faculty senate of student concerns at Cleveland State, given the current political climate around the Israel-Palestine violence. Morris said that some students are feeling unsafe on campus due to harassment of students both in-person and online. She said that students are asking why the university hasn’t done more on the issue.
Read the full story: Student concerns, Israel-Palestine, budget discussed at CSU senate

On this episode of “Why I Love the Land,” Karyssa, Kat, Josh and Ryan talked about the natural beauty of the Greater Cleveland area. The group spoke about some of their favorite locations in the Cleveland Metroparks and other scenic locations such as Holden Arboretum and the Solstice Steps at Lakewood Park. The conversations developed into what are some of their favorite outdoor activities.
To close out the episode, everyone discusses a new TikTok trend that's getting people outdoors called “silent walks.”
Listen to the the full podcast: “Why I Love The Land: Nature”

The Cleveland Community celebrated its 19th annual Day of the Dead, Nov. 4, 2023, at the Cleveland Public Theatre, Church, Parish Hall and surrounding areas in Cleveland's Detroit-Shoreway neighborhood. Family and friends gathered to honor those who have passed and to enjoy this treasured holiday, traditionally celebrated Nov. 1 and Nov. 2. The focus of the festival was the Gordon Square area and nearby streets, filled with decorations and people dressed for the occasion. Adding to the atmosphere were bands, food trucks, altars commemorating those who have passed, and the parade.
Read the full story: Cleveland celebrates its 19th annual Día de los Muertos Festival

Cleveland was once a booming city for popular artists. Iconic acts like AC/DC, Pink Floyd, Prince and Michael Jackson held some of their biggest concerts in the heart of Cleveland. From 2014 to 2022, the city even held a spot on the 25 highest-grossing tour list. The music scene is still thriving, but big names often opt to pass on Cleveland, going to cities like Cincinnati and Pittsburgh instead. But why?
Read the full story: Cleveland’s local music scene is alive and well
For the full stories and more, visit The Cleveland Stater online, and follow us @ClevelandStater on Twitter, Instagram , Facebook and TikTok.
Have any news tips, comments or suggestions? Contact us! Either on social media or directly via email: cleveland.stater@csuohio.edu.