Advertise with The Cleveland Stater
The Cleveland Stater provides an opportunity for local businesses to advertise to Cleveland State's 16,000 students and 3,000 staff members.
Print Edition Rates
Page Size: Tabloid
Print Area: 9.5 inches wide by 16 inches high
Open Rates
Full Page $150
5 columns by 16 inches
Half Page $100
5 columns by 8 inches or 2.5 columns by 16 inches
Quarter Page $75
5 columns by 4 inches or 2.5 columns by 8 inches
1 column by 1 inch: $10
Contract Rates
(Three or more advertisements)
20% discount
Full Page: $125
Half Page: $100
Quarter Page: $50
Color: Only full page advertisements are accepted
$200 per advertisement
Inserts: $1,500 per insert
All advertisements are subject to approval of the editorial board.