Graduate student Alyssa Karakul looking at the first slide of her presentation, "Mindfulness."
Credit: Kasey Sheridan
Alyssa Kurkul, a graduate student at CSU, at the third session of her Wellness Workshop series Feb. 14, 2023, at Cleveland State University.

CSU grad student runs workshops encouraging wellness

“My goal is to provide students with the resources they need to take care of themselves,” says graduate student Alyssa Kurkul, who is hosting a series of wellness workshops in CSU’s Theatre and Dance building.
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Alyssa Kurkul, a graduate assistant in Cleveland State University's Dance Department and a graduate student in CSU’s physical therapy program, is hosting a series of Wellness Workshops focusing on injury prevention. Her latest workshop, on Tuesday, focused on mindfulness.

While the workshops, in the Middough Building, are geared towards dancers, any student is welcome to attend.

“I think it’s beneficial for anybody to have these pieces of information,” Kurkul, 25, said. “We just don’t take care of ourselves until stuff goes wrong. My goal is to provide students with the resources they need to take care of themselves.”

Kurkul, who graduated from The Ohio State University in 2020 with a degree in health sciences and a dance minor, was inspired to start the workshops after she noticed injuries in the dance department.

The series consists of five 20-minute presentations: Sleep, Nutrition, Mindfulness, Strength Training and Rest & Recovery. Each presentation consists of a PowerPoint demonstration, as well as group activities and time for discussion and questions. Kurkul provides students with resources at the end of each workshop.

Crystal Thompson, a dance major, attended Kurkul’s Mindfulness Workshop on Feb. 14. It consisted of a PowerPoint about mental well-being and ways to improve it, followed by group meditation and a conversation about what mindfulness means.

“What I took away from the workshop is that I think it’s crucial to take time to understand your nutritional health and bodily awareness if you’re going to be a dance athlete,” Thompson, 20, said. “It’s just so important to take care of yourself, mentally and physically.”

Joshua Estok, a student with majors in dance and music composition, also attended Tuesday's workshop. 

“A lot of things go against what we’re taught,” Estok, 21, said. “People are so critical and judgmental, but you have to take time to rest.”

When choosing the topic for each workshop, Kurkul considers things that factor into performance-related injuries that she can address.

“Injuries are multifactorial,” Kurkul said. “There are acute injuries, where you fall and twist your ankle, but you can look at that and ask – was the dancer tired? Did they eat enough today? A lot of things go into injuries, so I chose topics where a dancer can make changes in their lifestyle if they want to.”

Kurkul has hosted three of five planned workshops – Sleep, Nutrition, and Mindfulness. She invites students to join the last two. Strength Training is on Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 2 p.m. The final workshop, Rest & Recovery, is on Tuesday, Feb. 28 at 11:45 a.m. Both events will be in room 252 of the Middough Building, 1901 East 13th St.

Students can email for more information.