“The Street Project (2022)” raises awareness about road safety for cyclists, pedestrians
American Planning Association of Cleveland State University (CSU) and Cleveland collaborated with Boyd Productions to screen its film “The Street Project (2022)” on Feb. 1 in the Dively Auditorium (UR 11).
The film walks its audience through the stories of people who experience the dangers of walking and cycling in major cities. City planners and Urban designers delve into the roots of the lack of street safety while simultaneously exploring solutions.
Boyd Productions is making efforts to raise awareness about street safety throughout the United States. From California to Maine, communities are getting involved in promoting a movement for change on the streets of America.
U.S. road safety for cyclists and pedestrians has grown increasingly important as their death toll has increased 51% since 2009, when the toll was at its lowest. The documentary explores the factors that have influenced the increase in danger for pedestrians and cyclists and how this might be addresse.
Writers Jessica Boyd, Chad Ervin and Lindsay Thompson all have backgrounds in documentary filmmaking. Boyd, executive producer and director of “The Street Project,” has previously won Emmys for nine of her documentawries. “The Street Project” team goes beyond the writers and producers. Urban planners and victims also helped lift this passion project off the ground to ignite change.
To expand the movement, anyone can contact Boyd Productions to inquire about hosting a screening for their community. Jessica Boyd is committed to continuing this movement, for more information, you can visit their website.