Cleveland State promotes safe decision making for students
Cleveland State University's Health & Wellness Services hosted a Safe Spring Break event March 8 in the Student Center Atrium. It promoted healthy decision making and resources provided by the university and local programs that can aid students in doing so.
The center and service providers set up seven tables with informational pamphlets and handouts. Music and light alcohol-alternative refreshments added to the ambiance.
MetroHealth ran two tables discussing the available services they provide for those struggling with substance abuse and various addictions including gambling. Additionally, there was information available for those looking to help somebody struggling with these issues with an emphasis placed on the Good Samaritan Law.
In addition to MetroHealth, Cleveland Rape Crisis Center was also represented at the event. CRCC provides help to victims of sexual assault and their families regardless of age, race, or gender identity.
The CRCC table provided handouts with suggested actions to help victims recover.
Not only were these services from external programs presented at the event, but many of CSU’s own resources were displayed as well.
One of these was the CSU Counseling Center. The center offers free psychological and, for a small fee, psychiatric services for all enrolled students. More counselors have been added to the staff this year, widening the amount of help that can be administered.
Health & Wellness provides access to two digital resources that can help aid students in better decision making and healthier lifestyle choices. One of these is the BetterYou app which is a life-coach app that helps the user to manage their time.
Another service provided by Health & Wellness is Alcohol eCheckup To Go. This online resource allows users to monitor their drinking habits and set up a plan to limit drinking and avoid issues with alcohol.